JabscoShop closed to sales in December 2024 and now this site only provides product information. More...
Help with this site


Select product category. Some categories have a text box telling you about the products and their use.

Within each category there are sub-categories and/or a list of items. To buy an item click on the add-to-basket button, when the screen refreshes a view basket button will appear on the right margin, click this then follow the screens through to the checkout. Or, if you require more items, find the additional items you want, and add them to your basket. If you have a list of part numbers you can add multiple items to a basket using the link shown on the right margin. For more information about an item, or for a larger picture, click on its name, its description or on the picture itself. For some products there is also a drawing or datasheet in Adobe Acrobat format available for download from the product detail page.



Enter your search into the 'Search Site' box, as you type, the site will try and match common search terms which you may find of use. If the suggestions are not of use just click search to look for what you want.  

Previous Orders

Any orders you place will be displayed in a box headed 'Previous Orders' the next time you visit the site. If you want to see what you ordered or you forgot to print a receipt (or mislaid it), click on the order and a receipt will load in a new window for you to read and print if required.


Dr. Waring the Spare Parts Wizard

Follow the wizard answering the questions to try and identify your product. If you are still stuck, feel free to email us some pictures.